Ultimate Guide to Support your Liver

When we think of the term “detox” we think of juice cleanses and lemon water with cayenne pepper.. but I am here to tell you that, that is all gimmicks. They are depleting instead of building, they are acute rather than long-term, they are abrupt instead of being supportive and they promote binge/purge behavior.

But, thats not to say we dont need to “detox”, in fact, let me explain to you what exactly is a detox and why we should pay attention to our detox organs.

For starters, our detox organs are:

  • Liver/digestion

  • Kidneys

  • Skin

  • Lungs

  • Assistants: Lymph + Circulation

Let’s talk about the liver since it is our main detoxification organ.

Our liver has over 500 functions!

Some of its responsibilities include:

  • Filtering the blood

  • Conversion of thyroid hormone T4 into active form T3

  • Production of bile, which assists the breakdown of fats and fat-soluble vitamins ADEK

  • Removal of waste

  • Production of cholesterol + unique proteins to help carry fats through the body

  • Conversion of excess glucose into glycogen for storage (glycogen can later be converted back to glucose for energy)

  • Clearing the blood of drugs and other poisonous substances

  • Resisting infections by making immune factors and removing bacteria from the bloodstream

  • + hundreds of other functions…

The liver should be able to perform all 500+ of its functions efficiently, but most of us have been/are exposed to an excess of toxins that resulted in an overburdened, underproductive liver.

To perform its 500+ functions optimally, the liver needs protein, nutrients, and energy.

Some common indications of an overburdened liver

  • Hormonal imbalances include estrogen dominance, too little testosterone, and cortisol. This can cause PCOS, endometriosis, PMS, menstrual cramps, etc.

  • Skin conditions like itchy, irritated skin or rashes, psoriasis, eczema, boils

  • Acne

  • Jaundice

  • Difficulty digesting fats

  • Chronic fatigue

  • Constipation/diarrhea

  • Blood sugar issues

  • Thyroid dysfunction

  • Anxiety, headaches, migraines

  • Allergies

The liver has 2 phases for detoxification

Phase 1

Eliminates things like drugs, pesticides, gut toxins, hormones, and histamine,

It is affected by lifestyle, exposure, nutrition, thoughts, and genetics.

Nutrients needed for phase 1 detoxification are vitamins B2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, glutathione, branched-chain amino acids, and flavonoids.

Inhibitors of this phase 1 are drugs like benzos, antihistamines, PPIs, ketoconazole, sulfaphenazole, toxins from gut bacteria

Phase 2

In order for phase 2 liver detox to work effectively it requires nutrients and energy.

Nutrients for Detoxification

•Mitochondria nutrients

•Antioxidants and glutathione-supporting foods (avocado, ashitaba, bamboo, brazil nuts)

•Taurine and glycine

•Cysteine, methionine


•B5, B3, B1, B2, B6, B12, C, Mo, Mn, Cu, Se, Zn, Vit A, Vit E

•Limonene foods (Caraway and dill, Tangerine and orange)

•Brassicas and sulfurous veggies/meats

•Fiber (soluble-attracts waste vs. insoluble-moves), the raw carrot salad is a great option.

•Re-mineralized Water

•Green tea/matcha (catechins, prevents fatty liver)

•Betaine foods (beets)

•Ellagic acid: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries

Foundational habits to support the liver

  • Eat enough throughout the day, especially easy-to-digest food

  • Consume enough fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E, and K)

  • Eat enough high-quality bio-available protein, aim for pasture-raised meats and wild-caught seafood

  • Consume beef liver (or supplement, I like the brand Perfect Supplements, you can use code JADE10 for a discount)

  • Move throughout the day

  • Strength training

  • Replace PUFAs with saturated fats like beef tallow, ghee or butter, or coconut oil

  • Try to limit toxin exposure by swapping your daily items for non-toxic options and purchasing organic when possible. Here is a good article on this.

Lifestyle + Supplements that support the liver

  • Castor oil packs over the liver once a week

  • Release stored emotions + trauma

  • Supplements like TUDCA that support bile flow, supplements that contain liver nutrients, or NAC

  • Limit alcohol and coffee

  • Get morning sunlight

  • Take liver bitters before a meal

  • Sip on dandelion tea

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the liver is associated with emotions like anger, irritability, and impatience. If this sounds like you, what areas of your life can you make peace with?

If you need extra support in your healing journey, book a free discovery call with me.

Hope this helped.

Love, Jade


Gelatin Gummies Recipe for Gut Health


Raw Carrot Salad for Hormones + Gut Health