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About Us

I’m Jade, Founder

Eternal Origins is designed to help guide you in alignment with your highest self by bringing you back to practices from our origins themselves.

  • Reconnect with intuition

  • Bring us back to source energy

  • Use food as medicine

  • Play with Gaia’s gifts

Eternal Origins is a space where I share whole-food recipes, science-backed nutrition, and natural wellness rituals to inspire holistic living.

I’m a Board Certified Holistic Nutritionist & Clinical Herbalist, that specializes in gut health. I am also a Restorative Wellness Practitioner and completed The Art and Science of Gastrointestinal Healing.

I hope this page inspires you to slow down, tune in, and reconnect with the simple practices most beneficial to our health and well-being; nature, intuition, connection, community, and real food.

I’m happy you are here.

Meaning of Eternal Origins

"Eternal Origins" refers to the timeless or everlasting beginnings or sources of something. It implies a sense of ancient or enduring origins that have stood the test of time.

In the context of holistic healing, it signifies tapping into ancient wisdom, practices, or principles that have been effective throughout history.

"Eternal Origins" also conveys the concept of eternal or infinite potential, representing the boundless possibilities and beginnings that exist within oneself.

It suggests a connection to the fundamental essence or core aspects of an individual's being, emphasizing the idea of continuous growth, transformation, and self-discovery.

It's a phrase that invites contemplation and exploration of deeper meanings and connections within the realm of holistic healing.

FREE Circadian Rhythm Ebook

When we align our body’s internal clock—our Circadian Rhythm—with our schedule, we can optimize our energy and help our cells work efficiently.

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