Transition off Hormonal Birth Control

Transitioning off hormonal birth control can be an empowering decision for women who seek a more natural and holistic approach to their reproductive and hormonal health.

One of the main reasons I find women getting on hormonal birth control is to help manage their symptoms due to hormonal imbalance. Hormonal birth control is like the false golden ticket that will help “normalize their cycle”, “manage PMS symptoms”, “reduce ovarian cysts”, “clear up their acne”, etc...

But, then they quickly find out that hormonal birth control comes with a hefty price tag of unwanted side effects. In fact, have you ever read the long list of side effects that come with your pill? (it's mind-blowing)…

Hormonal birth control comes with short and long-term risk factors that are not always addressed by doctors when prescribing. Oral contraceptives are a group 1 carcinogen. This should be talked about more in the healthcare industry especially when there are young girls being prescribed birth control at an early age and staying prescribed well off until they want to have kids.

Hormonal birth control is also not a solution for hormonal imbalances because it is just a “band-aid” approach for symptoms, it won’t solve the issue at hand. In fact, as soon as women get off the pill they find that they are right back where they started (but worse). That is because this band-aid approach does NOT address the underlying issue.

I applaud every woman who ditches the false promises of hormonal birth control. Now here are some of the best ways to support your body while on the pill or transitioning off of it.

It is essential to understand that hormonal birth control pills can deplete the body of certain nutrients, impact the liver, and alter the gut microbiome. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of replenishing nutrients, supporting the liver, and nurturing the gut microbiome during this transition.

Nutrient Depletion Caused by Hormonal Birth Control Pills

Hormonal birth control pills can lead to nutrient depletion in the body, affecting overall health and well-being. Some nutrients that may be affected include:

  • Vitamin B6: Crucial for hormone regulation and neurotransmitter synthesis.

  • Vitamin B12: Essential for energy production and nerve function.

  • Folic Acid: Important for DNA synthesis and fetal development (if planning for pregnancy).

  • Magnesium: Supports muscle function, mood stability, and bone health. A cofactor in over 300 enzyme systems in the body and has a role in energy production, blood sugar control, and muscle and nerve function. Good sources include dark leafy greens, dark chocolate, organ meats, grass-fed meats, and legumes.

  • Zinc: Vital for hormonal balance and immune system function. Helps with stomach acid production, healing damaged tissues, and cell formation. Good sources include oysters, grass-fed meats, organ meats, dark leafy greens, shellfish, legumes, and pumpkin seeds.

  • Vitamin C: Important antioxidant is essential for the immune system, repairing body tissues, and aiding in the absorption of iron. Good sources include citrus fruits, acerola cherries, rosehip, bell peppers, kiwi, kale, broccoli, and spinach.

and more…..

I suggest getting a variety of proteins and veggies into your diet to hit all those nutrients. For the B vitamins, I love beef liver. The best way to consume beef liver is by eating it (add a little to your ground beef, I promise you won’t taste it). Another option is supplementing with beef liver. In fact, beef liver is considered to be nature’s multivitamin and contains all of the B vitamins, iron, and more.

Incorporating beef liver into your diet once or twice a week can significantly contribute to replenishing these vital nutrients. Additionally, adopting a nutrient-dense eating plan that includes a variety of colorful fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats (don’t be afraid of saturated fats) will support overall health during this period.

My favorite brand is Perfect Supplements, use code “JADE10” for a discount. They also sell “acerola cherry” in capsule form which is a high dose of vitamin C.

Another supplement that I find worth adding is Magnesium. It is hard to get magnesium through food due to our depleted soils. I like Magnesium Glycinate, as my preferred magnesium supplement.

If you wish to supplement Oysters for their high zinc, I love the brand Marine Health Foods. I have found great success in oyster supplementation for women with PCOS, painful menstrual cramps, and digestive concerns.

Supporting the Liver During Transition

Hormonal birth control can place a burden on the liver, which plays a central role in hormone metabolism and detoxification. Your liver is your master organ of elimination. Every toxin you eat, breathe, and put on your skin goes through your liver to process. This also includes endogenous toxins like excess estrogen. In today’s modern times, I find that everyone needs to give their liver more TLC.

To support your liver:

Nutrients: Consume foods rich in antioxidants, which help combat oxidative stress in the liver, such as leafy greens, organic berries, organic matcha, tart cherry, beets, and cruciferous vegetables. Beef liver is also great for supporting the liver as well as getting adequate vitamin C, and protein.

Castor Oil Packs: Applying castor oil packs over the liver area can promote circulation and detoxification. Make sure to use hexane-free castor oil.

Herbs: Consider herbal support with milk thistle, dandelion root, and burdock root, which are known for their liver-supportive properties.

Reduce toxic load: When possible aim to get organic produce and grass-fed meats. In addition, reducing toxic products around your household. Apps like “Think Dirty”, and “Yucca” is great for scanning barcodes and giving a rating on how toxic the product is.

For more info on supporting your liver, click here to read my “Ultimate Guide to Support your Liver” blog post.

Nurturing the Gut Microbiome

Hormonal birth control can alter the gut microbiome, leading to an increase in gram-negative bacteria and potential intestinal permeability (leaky gut). I am very big on nurturing the gut microbiome and even created my signature program Gut Revive, on healing the gut.

Some of my top tips to nurture the gut microbiome:

  • Probiotics: Introduce a high-quality spore-based probiotic supplement to promote balanced gut flora. I love the brand “Sporebiotic”. Also increase the intake of fermented foods which contain probiotics like sauerkraut, yogurt, kimchi, kefir, and fermented veggies. Aim for a serving a day.

  • Daily Bowel Movement: Strive to have a bowel movement daily, as this helps eliminate toxins and waste from the body.

  • Diverse Plant-Based Diet: Consuming a wide variety of plant-based foods, including fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes, supports a diverse gut microbiome. This is because veggies are a great source of fiber and prebiotics which helps feed the probiotics in our gut.

  • Bitters: My favorite way to improve digestion is with digestive bitters. The bitter taste on your tongue sends a signal to your digestive organs to start producing digestive enzymes. When you are digesting your food well, you are absorbing the nutrients in your food. My favorite brands are Organic Olivia and Urban Moonshine. You can also eat a dandelion greens salad or arugula salad before meals.

Transitioning off hormonal birth control is a personal decision that requires careful consideration and support. This blog post is in no way medical advice, please consult your healthcare practitioner.

If you wish to have more support on your transition off hormonal birth control-

I am now offering a 1 month-guided program “BEYOND BIRTH CONTROL”.

How to Nourish your Body While on the Pill / How to Support your Body to Transition off the Pill

A 1 Month Program on how to navigate birth control transitions with confidence

  • How to transition off the pill with no/minimal side effects

  • How to support your body while on the pill + off

  • Foundations of balancing hormones

  • Discounted supplements

  • Unlimited support

  • Weekly calls with me


If you’re ready to:

- transition off the pill or would just like to support your body while on it

- Balance your hormones naturally

- Improve digestion

- Regulate your cycle

- Understand the different phases of your menstrual cycle

Then Beyond Birth Control may be PERFECT for you! Click here to book your first 60-minute intensive session with me.


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